
We recognize the critical importance of unified leadership approaches within our product teams. Despite having established our Product Engineering Principles, we acknowledge the need for these to be more directly integrated into our leadership practices.

The diversity in expertise levels among our technical leadership and engineering management presents a unique opportunity: by fostering collaboration, we can collectively elevate our team's capabilities. However, we lack a dedicated environment for sharing insights on challenges, experimental strategies, failures, and successes across teams.

This absence extends to a shared repository for learning materials and opportunities for joint practice, which are essential for continuous improvement and alignment.


This Community of Practices (CoP) is designed as a dynamic forum for learning, skill development, and the exchange of knowledge among leaders. It emphasizes the importance of deliberate practice—focused efforts to refine specific leadership abilities—and reflective learning, encouraging leaders to critically analyze their experiences and outcomes.

Through a mix of workshops, peer coaching, and case study discussions, the CoP aims to foster a culture of continuous improvement and collaboration. This initiative will enable leaders to experiment with new strategies, share insights, and collectively enhance their leadership practices to better meet organizational goals.

<aside> ⚠️ The primary goal is to share knowledge and seek cultural and principle alignment. We do not expect an executive agenda where decisions are made. Using this knowledge and principles, each team should be able to adapt them to their context autonomously.



For now, it will be focused on current tech leads and engineering managers, but once it takes shape, anyone aspiring to pursue leadership roles may join. Additionally, depending on the session's theme, it may make sense for other team members to join.



Initially, sessions will be held every two weeks. We will ask for feedback from participants to adjust the frequency if we find it becomes too burdensome.

Topics (tentative)